I thought Black Eyed Peas used to be cool, I mean, I think I rememeber seeing the hip-hop kids wearing BEP hoodies on the days their J5 and Dilated Peoples hoodies were in the wash. Now they are (and have been for some time now) the biggest bunch of sellouts in the music biz.
SNL did a great parody of BEPs in the form of a commercial in which they hawked their services to prospective Bar Mitzvah planners. (that video is hosted here.)

In Slate this week, Hua Hsu (bless you) writes about the "not awesomely bad, but horrifically bad" BEP song My Humps. Hilarity ensues. Read it here.
"What you gon' do with all that ass/ All that ass inside them jeans? … What you gon' do wit all that breast?/ All that breast inside that shirt?" rapper Will.I.Am teases in response, rendering literal what had heretofore been pretty much literal. It's a song that tries to evoke a coquettish nudge and wink, but head-butts and bloodies the target instead.
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