Fixie Blues
I bought a fixed gear bike this week. A track bike, to be more specific. I thought I could use one as an around-town beater and keep my regular bike nice and clean for longer rides. The lack of derailleurs and stuff is appealing as far as simplicity and less maintenance goes, and it's said that riding a fixed gear will improve bike handling skills generally.
Well, all that may be true, but the problem is when you try to stop. You see, my bike has no brake. Brakes on track bikes are kinda against the point. But most Bianchi Pistas are drilled for a front brake, and I thought to myself that I'd put on one after I bought it. The unfortunate thing, which I didn't realize until I had already gotten the bike (bought second hand on CL) home is that is has an aftermarket fork with no brake mount.
Without a brake, the only means of stopping is resistance on the pedals, which are fixed in relation to the rear wheel. This means that today, after just a few trips on the thing, I've almost been thrown off of it more than once, I've probably looked like an idiot trying to stop a dozen times, and my knees are hurting.
I'm not sure this bike is a good idea. Even this guy has (way) more skills than me right now.
Well, all that may be true, but the problem is when you try to stop. You see, my bike has no brake. Brakes on track bikes are kinda against the point. But most Bianchi Pistas are drilled for a front brake, and I thought to myself that I'd put on one after I bought it. The unfortunate thing, which I didn't realize until I had already gotten the bike (bought second hand on CL) home is that is has an aftermarket fork with no brake mount.
Without a brake, the only means of stopping is resistance on the pedals, which are fixed in relation to the rear wheel. This means that today, after just a few trips on the thing, I've almost been thrown off of it more than once, I've probably looked like an idiot trying to stop a dozen times, and my knees are hurting.
I'm not sure this bike is a good idea. Even this guy has (way) more skills than me right now.
Congrats! Let's see some pixs of the new ride. I too am thinking about buying a fixed as a second bike. I'm debating whether I should fix up the old Trek or buy a custom from Mission Bicycles. BTW, I've been taking a spinning class here and there. It's pretty gnarly. You might enjoy spinning.
Make sure you learn how to do it, and that you actually like riding that way before you drop any coin. Some of those bikes look cool, but looks aint everything.
It's now day 4 on the fixie, and wonder of wonders, I'm starting to get the hang of it! I'm even really liking it! just keep all the cars away from me, and don't give me any last minute red lights.
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