Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Patrick's Excellent Adventure

My youngest bro, Patrick, is a few weeks into a trip around the world as a staff member on a Semester At Sea cruise ship. He's having quite an experience, and sharing lots of juicy details on his blog, "seeing the world one blog at a time." Take a trip right from your browser!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Taking More Photos

I've retired my trusty beige Nokia brick. and replaced it with the best camera phone out right now, the Samsung Memoir.

I'm not saying so to shill for Samsung, but to announce the coming deluge of photos. In fact, it has already begun! Over at BPOTD, there are two shots up (bowling and U2), and I've put up a bunch of images at flickr too. This weekend, at U2 and on the 22nd floor patio of the Tribune Tower, I've been trying out the cameraphone's panoramic mode and it works quite well! I'm less adept with page layout here on blogger, however.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hey A*****e